Naomi Sparks Grewal First Neurotalent Of The Year!
By (Past member)
Naomi Sparks Grewal Neurotalent of the Year 2012

The NSMBA and NEUROHM organized the first Neurotalent of the Year competition in history. Students in the field of Neuromarketing were asked to submit a video and paper about a recent topic of research that builds a bridge between the science of the unconscious and it’s marketing and advertising applications. The number of Facebook likes in combination with an internal review process defined the three winners of the competition.
We would like to congratulate:
* Naomi Sparks Grewal
* Giovanni Vecchhiato
* Madhvi Sood
As the three winners of the competition. They win a free ticket to the Neuromarketing World Forum and are invited to give an elevator speech about their research on the main stage.
The NMSBA and NEUROHM decided to give the main price (3000 euro in Cash) to Naomi Sparks Grewal. "We think that the topic of her research, segmentation based on physiological factors, is highly relevant to business. Besides, she managed to explain the approach in an easy-to-understand format, which can lead as an example to other students. We are personally looking forward to meeting her in person and hand over her prize, Naomi: Congratulations!"
Carla Nagel, NMSBA & Rafal Ohme, NEUROHM, 4 February 2013
Watch their submissions here:
Naomi Sparks Grewal:
The next Neurotalent of the Year competition runs from 1 October 2013 - 1 January 2014.
Madhvi Sood:
Giovanni Vecchiato: